Donate to our Healthy Yums Cafe

We would like to eventually open a cafe dedicated to healthy eating and living. You could help us towards this goal! If you think you like what you see on our website, and would like to one day sit in a jazzy cafe eating our culinary creations, please feel free to donate to us, and remember, no donation is too small! :o) And if you make a significant contribution, we'll be more than happy to name a dish after you. Goodness knows we always have trouble naming our cooking :o). Thank you!

Smoked salmon on bread

Here's another open sandwich Mr. Green made for me. Mr. Green loves sandwiches! I love sandwiches just as much as the next person does, but sometimes two slices of bread is too heavy for me and so Mr. Green makes open-faced sandwiches then.

What I didn't realise until we got to Denmark, is that open-faced sandwiches is a very traditional, sandwich type deal in Scandinavia. They call it smørrebrød here, and typically consists of a slice of whole-grain rye bread (like the above), and could be topped with smoked salmon (also like the above). Unbeknown to Mr. Green, he's actually made us smørrebrød for dinner tonight! :o)

(Tip of the day: Smoked salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which means healthy fats, niacin, vitamin B6, protein, vitamin B12 and selenium. However, it is also high in sodium, so pair it with low-fat and low-sodium options and remember, everything in moderation!)