Donate to our Healthy Yums Cafe

We would like to eventually open a cafe dedicated to healthy eating and living. You could help us towards this goal! If you think you like what you see on our website, and would like to one day sit in a jazzy cafe eating our culinary creations, please feel free to donate to us, and remember, no donation is too small! :o) And if you make a significant contribution, we'll be more than happy to name a dish after you. Goodness knows we always have trouble naming our cooking :o). Thank you!

Working with what you have: Fried rice

Haven't been grocery shopping in a while, and so there really wasn't much to work with in the cabinet tonight. There was brown rice, olives and eggs. Oh, and an apple.

So I thought, an apple...fried rice with egg. Why not :o).

I didn't even have garlic or onions to work with, so what I did was cook an egg with hardly a teaspoon of olive oil, threw in some chopped chilies, and a chopped up green apple. I let that cook a while, not too long, though, I still wanted some bite in it. Then I threw in already lightly panfried chicken, olives, and lastly the rice...with a little bit of fish sauce for taste.

It came out pretty well, actually. The apple gave it a slightly sweet taste, and the fish sauce was just the right touch :o)

Mr. Green butts in: The few times healthyyums wants to cook and actually does it she totally exceeds all expectations. This was just one instance - and it turned out great! I'm not a big fish sauce fan, but it really made this dish!



  1. Simply June said,

    Interesting! In a way sort of like Pineapple and/or Mango Fried Rice! Fish Sauce makes things yummy!..=P

    on February 25, 2009 at 9:30 PM  

  2. Anonymous said,

    i know, right? i love fish sauce! i esp love it with chopped cili padi...over rice or noodles...*slurp*

    on February 26, 2009 at 10:48 AM  

  3. Ira said,

    This reminds me of what I used to cook for Emille when she was about 1 year old! A huge fan of putting fruits in her meal =)Ok, minus the fish sauce and any form of seasoning =)

    on March 12, 2009 at 11:53 AM